if a person is stopped driving the vehicle under the influence of alcohol the consequences will be: 1) suspension of the license as a precautionary measure by the Prefect; 2) definitive suspension of the license following the criminal trial when, in the event of non-acquittal, the sentence is condemned to punishment of the fine and arrest, or in the foreseen cases replaced by public utility work.
The criminal proceeding established in the Portland case of driving under the influence of alcohol is divided into several phases. It is advisable in any case to be assisted by a lawyer and immediately contact your Portland DUI lawyer who will provide assistance to the party. In the event of a conviction penalty it is possible to oppose within 15 days of the notification, thus transforming the procedure by decree in ordinary criminal proceedings. In the case of a citation, the process will start on the date indicated in the citation previously notified to the party. Mark C. Cogan is a criminal law firm in Portland.